Let's Talk


What a ULP looks like in your business

A term that comes from the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, mentioned in the WSABM book. "When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we may do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure."

Here's my story... a couple weeks ago I started to DM people about my new 1:1 coaching offering for creatives. While wildly uncomfortable DM'ing creatives about my new venture, I started to get itchy, like really itchy. Turns out that I made contact with some poison ivy at a picnic I went to a few days before, and at the PRECISE MOMENT I started to share with the world my new venture, it flared up like crazy!

NEVER IN MY LIFE did I get poison ivy up until this point, and I grew up playing in the woods, camping, hiking, basically taunting poison ivy to come get me lol!

But this moment, when I'm stepping into my calling, I get a scorching poison ivy rash lolol! It was super uncomfortable for a couple weeks, but I kept moving forward. I kept DM'ing people, telling people about my services at networking events and in my social life. I booked discovery calls and even got my first few clients!

I celebrate the fact that I got my first ULP in my biz and now I'm on my way to bigger and better things!

Would LOVE to hear about your ULP stories if you care to share!